Summer Intern Update

Hello from the ODL summer interns

Hi! Hola! Wah gwan!!

With the language schools and summer programs starting, excitement is in the air at the Middlebury College campus. Do you want to know what is also very exciting this summer at Middlebury? The number of awesome projects that we are working on from the Office of Digital Learning!  My name is Alfredo (rising junior from Costa Rica) and together with Nadani (rising sophomore from Jamaica) and Molly (rising sophomore at Tufts, from Middlebury ) we are the summer interns at ODL.

Here is a snippet of what we are doing this summer at ODL.


MiddCreate Study Abroad Contest

For this upcoming Fall semester, the Office of Digital Learning is introducing our MiddCreate Study Abroad Contest. We invite all students who will be studying abroad next semester to enter for a chance to win a GoPro HERO5 Black. All you need to do is sign up for your Middcreate domain and start sharing your study abroad experience for a chance to win in one of the categories. If you always wanted to have your own website but didn’t know how to get started, we invite you to get started here.

Museum App 

Can you imagine getting information about a public art piece right on your phone when you approach it?

This summer, ODL interns have been putting together an app for the Middlebury College Museum of Art that can do that. The idea is to provide “a more relevant and contextual museum experience, connecting the physical and digital experience”. This will be done with the help of an interactive map and low energy Bluetooth beacons. Along with the information about art pieces, the app prototype that the interns are working on will include additional information about the artist’s work in other museums, more about this artist’s work in this museum, videos and photos related to the pieces, etc.

MiddCreate Research: Domain of One’s Own and Digital Pedagogy

Another really interesting task for us this summer has been a research-based project focusing on the theory behind domains and the pedagogical goals of these. A significant number of institutions across the United States have already adopted the Domain of One’s Own project (DoOO). Such initiatives offer students, staff and faculty the possibility to register for free a domain name to create a webspace of their own. Hoping to help improve and maximize the benefits of MiddCreate (Middlebury’s DoOO), we have been researching the different approaches, adoption processes and uses that have been critical for other institutions and students in achieving successful DoOO implementations. Our goal is to provide significant insights about the ways in which MiddCreate can improve to extend its reach and use across community members, thus maximizing the benefits of this DoOO platform at Middlebury.